Monday, April 16, 2007

Case Study

Cashing in on Memroies: The new strategy for the Coca Cola with their tag line of "The Coke Side of Life" is focused at drawing people back to the soda they used to drink adn the reasons for why they used to drink it. This message is being brought to the consumours by way of television commercials and radio advertisements.
Online Strategy: Coke has gone to providing a website that can be seen as a personal website that allows consumers to share files, blog about coke related themes with other consumers and watch commercials in various formates. This is one form of strategy that may not increase sales with in the nation as a whole, but it will at least increase brand knowledge and Coke product knowledge.
Strengths: been on the market for at least a century and their botteling formate allows them to not only be recognized all around the world, but it is a form that can be eaisly recreated with out many problems.
Weaknesses: not being able to easily translate their taglines and campaings into other languages and be esaily relatable to other cultures around the world.
Communication: Coke has done a good job of providing a way for customer feedback and providing information on what Coke is doing and what their furture plans are.


Mary said...
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Mary said...

Radio advertising can be a very effective way to get your company's message to a large, broad market: anyone who has access to a radio.
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